Queer Object
Invited Distinguished Professor:
Joris Putteneers.
Gabriel Esquivel, Studio Professor
Texas A&M University
Team: Nicholas Houser, James Hardt, Nathan Gonzalez and Daniel Wang.
Our project is discussed in terms of simulation software and algorithmic processing of interpretations of object as data across several contextual territories. The fluctuation and ability to transcend across a series of mediums: raw, cooked, and synthetic, is the Queer Object.
The queer object references contextual territory through a series of pointing but never defining through the Derridean notion of indiffereance. The algorithm interfacing within itself, shows the notion of indiffereance, moments where the algorithm does not necessarily decide what to do but rather just does. The algorithm works the same way in establishing its understanding through a series of interfacing with contextual objects.
The first relationship is territorial, this is an epistemological quest by looking for, pointing at, through the notion of artifacting across the raw, cooked ,and synthetic. The algorithm operates as the smooth territory itself, where the contextual territory operates as the vehicle for striation. The algorithm is not bound to a territory but places itself through a series of referential objects that are able to be artifacted from the contextual territory.
The algorithm can exist in all forms of territory because it is always pointing at but never actually defines these moments. The territory is defined the moment the context is referenced and artifacted. The act of indifference and vicarious causation of referenced objects results in the contextual territory to become the vehicle of striation.
Raw, Cooked, Synthetic
Each territory represents the nature of the Raw, Cooked, and Synthetic. The artifacts from each territory are results of incomplete understandings of contextual objects due to indifferance.
The Raw is a proto territory that yields an ancestral algorithm. The artifacting process, since the algorithm interprets numerical data, consist of a series of photogrammetry of objects found within the proto environment, that are then translated into a cartesian coordinate system. The data was then ran through the scripting of the algorithm itself to be in its own image.
The Cooked is a territory that contains a series of objects created by CAD. This denotes ideas of construction, technicality, and complete control of Euclidean geometry. These objects are easier for the algorithm to synthesize because of the similar language of numerical data, thus causing an overlap in data and resulting in the kitbashing of referenced objects. The data was then run through the algorithm to put it into its own image.
The Synthetic is a hyper real territory. The hyper real is a system of software simulation simulating itself. This territory only exist within the digital environment. The objects that exist within this territory are produced digitally and are only meant to act in the digital realm. The artifacts created, since the algorithm does not care to observe every data point of the object, are the results of the jumbling of data points and creation of simulated simulation. The hyperreality is the terminal stage of simulation.
Maturity & Queerness
Since the algorithm is in a constant state of flux, both in posture and territoriality, maturity and senescence can be derived. The duration allows for the algorithm to continue the addition of artifacts.
Due to the constant act of referenced objects and striation of the algorithm through such, the queerness emerges. The position of queerness can be seen in the vector density drawing, section cuts and geometrical resolution. As the algorithm continues its maturation, the flux can be seen in a change of density of the framework of the vector trails. The vector trails are the foundation of the generative nature in the workflow project, as the overlap of trails unravel, the substance that can be territorialized by the artifacts is depleted.
The resolution of the geometrical framework is also at the will of the maturation of the algorithm. Areas can now be identified through resolution of artifact versus algorithm other than just in terms of geometrical relations but rather geometrical resolution and subdivision.
The flux of artifacts begins to divide and disassemble the area in which the algorithm can operate. The addition of these artifacts creates new spaces while divides others. Through the senescence of the algorithm and addition of artifacts, the posture of the algorithm changes as it matures. Upon referencing the contextual territory under constant acts of striation the queer object is exhausted. The duration of the algorithm can be seen through the decay and dismemberment of the original algorithm and growth of invasive artifacts. The duration does not compromise the substance of the object because it is an issue of kind and not to degree at which the posture is lost.
The algorithm does not need to exist in our current reality, rather we are laying the frame work for the next reality in which this will occupy, The architecture of the hyperreal, because what is the difference from the architecture of the a priori world of our reality.
The Hyperreal is the terminal stage of the simulation, because the hyper real is indistinguishable from reality, and thus the process is repeated from the raw to the cooked to the synthetic, recursively.
The algorithmic exhaustion, theory, and queerness are all connected through the results of simulation software. The essence of simulation is queer. The aspects of flux that are produced in terms of fluidity change and indefinability relates exactly back to queer theory.
The workflow of this project showcases the view of machine vision and simulation software being applied to all principles of territory, section, elevation, program and aesthetics. They are all adaptive to different Variables that can alter both the simulation program and the algorithm which ultimately leads to the absolute exhaustion of workflow ending the life of the queer object and simulation.