Invited Distinguished Professor:
Gilles Retsin.
Gabriel Esquivel, Studio Professor
Stephen Caffey, Assistant Professor of Art and Architecture History and Theory
Texas A&M University
Team: Nate Garcia, Bobby Nolen, Stephanie Almendarez, William Richard.
In Architecture there are many different tools that we use to communicate with objects that we happen to be in close proximity to. These forensic tools come in many different forms and processes, such as drawings, diagrams, and other means of representation. As we communicate with the object, we begin to recognize it appears to be similar to an Indexical project. This object seems to have some of the same qualities of the Eisenman Houses 1, 2, 3, and so on through House 10 due to the appearance of an axonometric representation. This Axonometric is a system of interlocking L’s that were each independently generated by the object. However, this object predates these projects by Eisenman because it is pre-indexical. It is before any of the parts to whole relationships were understood and diagrammed. Due to this, we are initially only able to understand it as a Proto-Eisenman Project.
In our attempts to understand this object further, we, as objects, must attempt to communicate to it. To accomplish this goal we generated multiple forms of representation in hopes to communicate with it in any way we could. This axonometric is not an indexical diagram. We use the axonometric as our selected vehicle of communication and representation. The study of the Stanley Tigerman diagram was further used to communicate with the object. We use this to perceive its’ infinitesimal properties and how this is just a snapshot of what the object is. The object also gives off a Piranesian sense of deterioration and substance through an affective quality that is before the synthetic. The communication between this Piranesian representation and the object is what suggests deterioration and rustication. The landscape is an ecology without nature that generates an affective romantic realism. This object exist because it exists, context is irrelevant. The object will exist where it does and our attempts to communicate to it have no effect on it. It is the communication that we have with the object and the affects it generates that solidifies its status as Proto-Eisenman.