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T4T LAB 2019.

Joris Putteneers Distinguished Invited Professor.

Coordinated locally by Gabriel Esquivel working remotely with feedback from the designers’ technical challenges and intellectual charge.

Teaching Assistants: Nicholas Houser, Emily Majors




As described by prolific scientist and theorist Ray Kurzweil, technological singularity is defined as a moment in human history where the human intelligence is artificially enhanced to transverse and transgressed into a form of intelligence that is not a direct consequence of natural evolutionary processes, but rather as manifest destiny, or artificial intelligence. Kurzweil defines this historic moment as a necessity that originates as an outcome of our own shortcomings to adapt into the hyperbolic growth in the speed in which collective technological progress evolves. 

 It is defined as an intended and designed form of human evolution cognitive and material, defined by our own lack of understanding and ability to comprehend the tools that we create for our own existence due to our stagnant and slow biological progress. Yet it is bound to become the foremost medium in which we will re-calibrate the relationship between humans, technology, culture and nature.  

 Such proposition has its precedent in our understanding of the self-organizing, or intelligent, properties of natural and artificial systems. Our analytical models of self-organizing, self-generating and self-evolving systems are based on the mathematical abstractions we created to translate these systems into media that we can comprehend, communicate and materialize. The objective of this course is to create a coherent architectural prototype that will act as a vehicle to fulfill a number of idealized conditions related to hierarchy, structure, program and other architectural criteria. An architectural system that can later on be tailored toward a particular context or problem, allowing the system to “self-generate” based on varying parameters.

Project Goals

The project’s objective was to direct the students towards the values of focused experimentation by manipulating tools and pipelines to their advantage, deriving an architectural prototype without limitation and classification. 


The Lab explored this Blackbox algorithmic workflow, producing topological complexities that cannot be acquired with traditional toolsets. There will be specific attention to errors and glitches emerging, not due to randomness, but due to misinterpreted vector/voxel conversions and manipulations, and think of them as digital architectural artifacts, translating them into a very specific form language and aesthetic.  Resulting deformities, mutations and abnormalities will be celebrated.

The lab focused on algorithms and their analytical implementation in a post digital era by embracing the unexpected. Programming, experimenting and modeling into the abyss, setting up attributes only suggesting processes. 

The lab focused on iterative algorithmic methods used to understand spatial and formal relations, with a concern about manipulation, exploration and exploitation of all mediums, iterative translations between digital and material and vice versa. 


The lab created systems that possesses with characteristics both natural and artificial.



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